Monday 10 April 2017

Stamp Bonus Bug - Club Penguin Rewritten

Hey, penguin fans!

If you were ever skilled enough in Club Penguin Classic to earn all of the stamps for a game, then you should know that having all the stamps for a game will earn you double coins! This was a great reward for mastering a game, and was also a great way to make coins fast.

However, when I tried doing this in Club Penguin Rewritten, something weird happened.

Normally, the way that you earn coins in single-player games (in my case, Cart Surfer) is the number of points you earn divided by ten. For example, if you earned 5000 points, that would normally give you 500 coins. If you had all the stamps for that game, then the normal amount of coins you would receive would be doubled - your 500 coins would become 1000. However, there seems to be something wrong with the way this works in CPR.

Dividing 2571, my score, by ten would give me 257.1, which in any version of CP would be rounded to the nearest full number, 257. However, the game is telling me that I earned 128.5 coins, which makes no sense - firstly, that would be half of  257, the amount of coins I should earn, and secondly, it's a decimal, not a whole number, which shows something is broken here since normally you should only be able to earn whole numbers of coins.

What's happening here is that your coins are actually halved before being doubled. Luckily your coins aren't halved in other games, so if you don't have all the stamps, you don't need to worry about only earning half coins. Hopefully this bug is fixed soon though, since the stamp bonus is really useful for earning coins quickly.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully if we bring attention to this bug, the CPR staff will be able to fix it quickly.

Have a great day!

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